Our Facility
Stokes Music Studios & Event Center provides private studio space rentals, as well as a clean & attractive multi-purpose venue for piano recitals, concerts, musical training sessions and special musical events.


About Us
Our names are Steve & Susan Stokes and we have been working with musicians in Northern California for over 40+ years as owners & operators of AAA Piano. Located in El Dorado Hills, California, Stokes Music Studios & Event Center is another way we serve the musical community in providing music instructional studios, as well as a professional recital hall. Whether you're an instructor looking for a space to teach and/or looking for a venue for your next recital, please feel free to call us directly.
ContacT Us
Susan Stokes: 916-337-6489
Steve Stokes: 916-397-7426​
Stokes Music Studios & Event Center
5011 Golden Foothill Pkwy, Suite 2
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
Thank you for contacting Stokes Music Studios!
© 2019 | Stokes Music Studios